
. Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pay per Click: $0,01
Reffeal Click: $0,005
Payout: $2
Payout With: Alertpay (Instant)
ads: 4

Status: Spam Test

4th Neobux Payout

From neobux...

saya adalah member standart dan sampai sekarang tidak ada masalah...

tetap instant...

JOIN Sekarang


Pay Per Click: $0,005
Reffeal Click: $0,0025
Payout: $2
Payout With: Alertpay
ads: 8

Status: Spam Test

1st Payout kingsclicker.com

. Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pembayaran pertama dari kingsclicker.com (instant)

gabung dan dapatkan hasilnya di SINI

3rd Payment GPT Bank

. Monday, February 2, 2009

Pembayaran dari gptbank...


maksimalkan penghasilanmu dan JOIN


Pay Per Click: $0,001-$0,02
Reffeal Click: 60%
Payout: $2,5 (1% fee)
Payout With: Alertpay/Paypal
ads: 7

Status: Spam Test


. Sunday, February 1, 2009

Feb 6:

TwoDollarPTC : TOS - "This is a revenue sharing site. Each payout period we determined the payout based on percentage of site income divided by how many request payment. So expect to get less then $1 of account balance to your payment processors."

Dingobux : Warning from p.karan jain. "We have added a new balance feature, we now take 50% of your earnings of every click you and your referrals make and place them in a rent balance to redeem for referrals."

CentBux : Site is down. Bought by Cashoutbux admin. Read update Dec 27 for more info on cashoutbux.

Paid-bux.info : I don't think that they will be able to pay 2 cents per click & 2 cents per referral click.

NDBux : Same owner as Ptclickbux which had problems paying.

RadicalBux TOS - "All payments will have a limit for payout( Standard max payout is $15 and premium max payout is $30) and will have a fee for each payment(Maybe $ or advertise)"

Feb 5 :

ToraAds : is back (Thanks jetje37 for the info) They might still be having payment problems. Latest payment shown on their site is Jan 20.

TaketheGlobe : You now need to send in your id to be paid. Not recommended for security reasons. Also, many sites that start doing this tend to disappear soon after. (Thanks Doofus for the info)

KameBux : Not recommended. Using default script. (Thanks Karan for the info)

PPClix : At their forum - " Due to the recent events where it seems we have been a victim of a team of scammers that have deposited large amounts of funds, made some money or played the lottery, cashed out then reversed their initial deposits we are currently facing a few issues because the reversals totaled big amounts in both accounts.To help with the current situation we will be doing the following, alot of you will not like these decisions, we dont even like them, But its either this or we will be forced into an early retirement which we will not see happen! 1. Suspending Compensation: Once the current situation is resolved we will re-instate this. 2. Cashout Delay: We will be implementing cashout delays of 7 days for standard members.3. Cashouts: Temp Disabled
For a few hours at a time we will disable cashouts to help build the account balances up so we can processes requested cashouts."

Feb 4 :

Buxmarketing.net : Prelounc. Tidak dijelaskan apakah balance akan kembali 0 atau tetap setelah lounching

ToroAds : Setelah diumumkan bahwa account alertpay di tangguhkan, sepertinya situs menghilang

Feb 3 :

RichClix : standart member harus melakukan verifikasi dan membayar sebesar $2.50. hati-hati.

adsforsale, cashinonads : di jual. forum

UnoBux : kembali online.

CentBux : sekarang sudah di jual. forum

Feb 2 :

MyPTCClicks : baru .

UnoBux : "kami minta maaf, kami sudah sangat serius dengan masalah server waktu unobux dimatikan, server baru akan dipasang pada waktu 48 jam lagi.

ToroAds : Pengumuman, alertpay telah memblokir account kami, sehingga kami tidak dapat mengirim uang. masalah ini akan selesai dalam minggu ini, jadi harap bersabar

CentBux : Members complain that there is only one ad for a few days & it is not clickable.

robuxer.xhost.ro, adshow.net.tc Tidak direkomendasikan, menggunakan domain gratis.

Feb 1 :

PPClix : "menutup pilihan pembayaran dengan alertpay sampai pembangunan situs selesai" pembayaran memnggunakan paypal masih cepat.

5euromails : $5 per click. tidak mungkin membayar.

january 2009

Increase Payment

. Friday, January 30, 2009

Pembayaran dari Increase bux..

request tgl: 23 desember 2008
Paying tgl: 29 januari 2009

pending 1 bulan lebih...
mungkin banyak tanggal merahnya kali...


silahkan JOIN


. Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pay Per Click: Rp 100
Reffeal Click: Rp 50
Payout: Rp50000
Payout With: Transfer Bank
Ads: 4

Status: Scam Tes


. Friday, January 23, 2009

Pay Per Click: $0,01
Reffeal Click: $0,005
Payout: $3
Payout With: Alertpay (Instant)
Ads: 5

Status: Spam Test


. Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pay Per Click: £ 0,01
Reffeal click: £ 0,005
Payout: £ 1
Payout With: Alertpay

Status: Spam Test

Pembayaran dari GPT Bank

. Monday, January 19, 2009

Pembayarab ke dua dari GPT Bank...

kurang dari 24 jam....



Pay Per Click: $0,01
Surfing: 1:1
Payout: $2,5
Payout With: Alertpay/Liberte Reserve
Ads: 5

Status: Spam Test


. Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pay Per Click: $0,005
Reffeal Click: $0,0025
Payout: $5
Payout With: Alertpay
Ads: 12

Status: Spam Test


. Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pay Per Click: $0.01
Reffeal Click: $0.003
Payout: $1
Payout With: Alertpay
ads: 5

Staus: Hati-hati


. Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Pay Per Click: $0,007
Reffeal Click: $0,004
Payout: $0,07
Payout With: Alertpay
Ads: 6

Status: Spam Test

Payment From Roudycash.com

. Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Join RoudyCash HERE


. Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pay Per Click: $0,005
Reffeal Click: $0,005
Payout: $2
Payout With: Alertpay (Instant)

Status: Spam Test

3rd Neobux

. Friday, January 2, 2009

My 3rd payment for neobux....

thanks admin....

joni now......

PTC News January

Jan 31 :

DualBux : sudah hilang. lihat pembaruan tanggal 25 januari.

UnoBux : TOS - "jumlah tidak terbatas untuk perekrutan reffeal bagi premium member. Standart member dibatasi hanya 50 referrals"

Earn3 : untuk standart dikenakan biaya $1 untuk payout, Pembayaran minimum $3dan harus menunggu selama 365 hari.

e-bux.me : menggunakan standart Sript.

Buxarena : Fakta stat. diduga pemiliknya sama dengan buxinstant and bux.bg yang telah berhenti membayar. forum

Jan 30 :

AvengerBux : Pada Prelounc. semua earning akan di reset saat diluncurkan, kecuali member yang sudah mencapai $5

Roudycash: : semua pembayaran baik premi maupun standart di hapus untuk membayar server baru.

Jan 29 :

BritishBux : Nama dari reffeal link tidak mengikuti arahan terakhir.

PerfectBux : banyak komplain, tidak ada pembayaran. forum

247Bux : Payout hanya ada beberapa jam sehari. forum

FlashUrCash: meminta bantuan untuk pembayaran server.

Jan 28:

InfiniteBux : menggunakan gen2 script. nama referrer tidak mengikuti arahan.

Bux-Star : Down & mungkin menghilang.

GetBigBux : tidak direkomendasikan, menggunakan standart script.

rulebux.xdf.co.il : tidak direkomendasikan, menggunakan standart script & free domain

UronlineBux : Pesan di situs mereka "kami mengalami masalah dengan database jadi menggunakan data lama dan payment history. alertpay akun mereka juga beku.

Jan 27 :

9icebux : Peringatan dari G3n7r0 "admin menghilang dalam waktu yang cukup lama (20 hari atau lebih) dan situs tersebut tidak membayar premium member.

Earn3 : peringatan mrnintendo "earn3.com skarang dapat melakukan request untuk member standart, tapi dikenakan biaya $1 dengan minimum payout $3.

Jan 26:

JdClicks : kembali online.

FutureBux, SoftBux : para haccekr yang telah meng hacked softbux sekarang meng hacked futurebux. forum

MagicBux : menggunakan gen2 script. nama refferer tidak mengikuti arahan link terakhir.

ClickersHeaven, Buxlite : 2 cents per click & 90+ iklan per hari. saya berfikir mereka tidak akan mampu membayar.

PTC4Ads : menggunakan script bebas. sama seperti 1dollarcash.com, adbux3.com,, adbux10.com, BUX10.INFO , BUX4.INFO, bux4clicks.info, bux10.com, buxmania.info, buxpaidinstantly.com, buxsense.info, clickonbux.info,, clix4sense.info, genuinebux.com, huge-return.com, incomebux.com, payingbux.com, buxall.co.cc, chillbux.co.cc forum

Jan 25 :

BuxMatrix : Down karen upgrade server.

Clickers-Union : "untuk hari ini, selain China, kami tidak lagi menerima anggota baru untuk member dari korea dan taiwan. Member dari negara tersebut yang sudah terlanjur bergabung hanya bisa mengkoversikan ke iklan. terlalu banyak cheaters fdari negara tersebut."

World-Clix : masih down dalam beberapa hari inidown.

DualBux : cashout tidak berfungsi,admin menghilang, hanya bisa konversi iklan. forum

Jan 24 :

Sysmail.com : 30 to 50 cents per click. tidak mungkin bisa membayar.

DualBux : Masalah dengan pembayaran. pesan kesalahan setelah mencoba cashout.

Jan 23 :

JoinBux.net : di jual. forum

JNBux : hati-hati. menggunakan hosting gratis saat peluncuran.

mbBux : pengumuman, menurut mereka down karena masalah database.

Jan 22 :

UronlineBux : Account dihentikan oleh tuan rumah. Down atau hilang?

PPClix : Cashout tidak diaktifkan untuk memperbaiki beberapa bugs. forum

ThinkBux : sedang down atau menghilang.

LegitBux.net : Tidak direkomendasikan. menggunakan script gratis

Jan 21 :

ToroAds : Memiliki berbagai variabel harga klik. Membayar per toro maksudnya bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu.

ReachBux : Masih down. Meskipun admin mengatakan akan teratasi pada tanggal 14 januari.

RayaBux : Diduga pemiliknya sama dengan Instantlyptc yang telah berhenti membayar.

Shortbux : Agar nama anda tampil pada referral link, Gunakan satu sign up dengan. php misalnya. http://www.shortbux.com/signup.php?ref=

MBBux.net : Pemiliknya sama dengan MBBUx.com yang telah di tutup.

Jan 20 :

MeansBux : Cashout tidak tersedia

IsabelMarco : Mengurangi uang member di account. forum

BuxShare : Penutupan. "Jika anda sudah berinvestai dan belum mendapatkan keuntungan, kami akan mengembalikan dana anda. Jika anda mendapatkan keuntungan dana tidak dikembalikan."

Bux.info : Tidak direkomendasikan, menggunakan standart script.

Jan 19 :

NGBux : Masalh dengan reffeal link....tidak mengikuti nama terakhir. TOS - "Standart anggota terbatas dalam mendapat direct reffeal (10)."

PPClix : "optimasi Server baru mysql yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja situs."

GoldsBux : Peringatan : Seseorang mencoba memasuki ke account neobux dengan mengguanakn account goldsbux. Jika anda menggunakan password goldsbux yang sama dengan situs yang lain, segera dirubah secepat mungkin. Situs ini menjual bot arahan. forum. Pemiliknya sangat mencurigakan, tinggalkan jauh-jauh situs ini.

ObamaBux : Peringatan hazerlee. Anggota premium tapi tidak dibayar dalam satu bulan.

TrustyBux : Referral tidak berfungsi. Nama reffeal selalu kosong. Pembayaran palsu. forum

BuxVision : TOS - "Hanya anggota aktif klik iklan yang dibayar (Rata-rata 5 iklan perhari setelah anda melakukan pendaftaran)."

DuoBux : Admin mengatakan bahwa mereka kehabisan dana. forum

PTPartyPTC.info TOS - "Semua anggota Austria, Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Israel, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Harus menggunakan penghasilan untuk iklan. Tidak ada pembayaran untuk member negara-negara tersebut."

ThePTC.biz : Nama baru untuk refbux.net

BuxNext : Kembali online. Masalah dengan referral link.

ShortBux : Tidak menerima member dari China dan Israel.

Jan 18 :

PPClix : Terkena serangan Ddos, Situs mungkin lambat atu tidak dapat di buka

BuxNext : Down karena sedang upgrade

Lz9.com : Tidak direkomendasikan, karena mengunakan standart script

Goldsbux : Hati-hati, seorang member telah menggunakan account di goldsbux untuk masuk ke account neobux. forum

ThePayBux : Diduga pemiliknya sama dengan maccobux (which has become ads only) forum

ShortBux : Updated TOS - Standart anggota maksimum memiliki 25 reffeal, premium member maksimum 150 orang.

OrdinaryClicks : TOS - Semua member dari asia harus upgrade terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan payout

Jan 17 :

BensonBux : Uses the Gen2 script. Masalah dengan reffeal link. reffeal tidak mengikuti atau merubah nama pada link terakhir

RoudyCash : Lari tanpa membayar. forum

WorldofBux : Admin telah mengakui bahwa dirinya adalah scammer. forum

Jan 16 :

MeansBux : Peringatan. Saya berada di antrian pembayarran, tiba-tiba saya tidak berada di antrian dan tidak mendapatkan bayaran.

Thinkbux : Down. (Thanks claudio for the info)

GoldsBux : TOS baru - Premium Members dibayar 7-10 hari kerja, dan Standard Members di bayar dalam waktu 30 hari kerja (kedua Standard and Premium Members memiliki pilihan pembayaran instant jika membayar 70$).

RoudyCash : Members mengeluh kenapa pembayaran mereka dibatalkan, dan admin tidak mengatakan mengapa?. forum

Clickipink : Sama seperti pemilik osobux yang ditutup.

NewBux4u : tidak ada iklan beberapa hari ini.

Jan 15 :

ThePayBux : Ada masalah dengan reffeal link

WinkBux : web di jual. forum

Earn3 : Sistem pembayaran cepat tapi beberapa member kesulitan dalam melakukan request. forum

DailyCent : is back. saya ada pembayaran yang di tunda, mari kita lihat apakah mereka masih membayar .

DualBux : sepertinya down

Jan 14 :

bux.zhakkas.com :
Tidak dianjurkan, menggunakan domain gratis

SoftBux.org : terkena hack

RoflBux : Sekarang hanya sebuah situs iklan, balance hanya bisa dikonversikan ke iklan.

UggiBux : Member lama tidak dibayar lagi.

MbBux : Halaman utama tidak menjelaskan berapa nilai per klick iklan, link TOS tidak berfungsi.

AcePTC : Sepertinya akan kembali setelah menghilang tanpa membayar

Jan 13 :

NewBux4u : If you are member, you would need to activate your account with a code that they sent you within 72 hrs or your account will be deleted. But, no ads to click. Not a good sign.

SnowBux.net : Lots of complaints at the forum about non-payment & the admin is missing.

NationClicks : belongs to the same owner as icashout, velocityclicks, probux, clickvoid which have all closed dwon without paying. (Thanks Sabbie for the info)

Jan 12 :

EliteClicks : Beware. Same owner as paradiseclicks, rainingbux and buxrusonline which has stopped paying.

MixBux : Same owner as instantlyptc and instantlybux which have stopped paying. (Thanks Sabbie for the info)

NationClicks : They now require verification before you can be paid. forum

WinkBux : Admin said that he has no money to pay. forum

RunnyMoney : Using default script. Owner says he can't afford a new script. forum

Jan 11:

eliteclicks : Problem with referral link. The referral name does not change to follow the last link clicked..

PerformanceBux : Malik said that he had problems cashing out on AlertPay and Paypal, but I have received news from andra999 and andreyp that they have received their payments instantly from Paypal. So, I guess cashout on Paypal is ok now.

IgetBux, Zhakkas : Not recommended. Using free, default script.

AtBux : The forum link does not work.

9icebux : suspected to have the same owner as ArabBux and MdBux.

PPClix : Problems with referrals's clicks seem to be fixed.

Jan 10:

TitanClicks : This is an old site that has stopped paying and now I see being advertised again. Beware its latest announcement is dated April 2008.

Jiggypig : Not recommended. At prelaunch and uses default script.

UggiBux : Down for some time.

Jan 9:

NewBux4u : Is back online.

ShortBux : The referral link does not work. I clicked several referral links and each time the referrers field is empty when I tried to register.

RoflBux : Payments are on hold.

RoudyCash : Suspected to have the same owner as ThinkBux. Also, they're AlertPay account is under investigation. forum

JoinBux : Same owner as clickptc.us which has closed down.

Jan 8 :

FutureClicks.net : same owner as billlobucks that closed down without paying (Thanks Sabbie for the info)

Bux-2008 : Not recommended. Using default free script.

ProfessionalBux : Same owner as Crewbux which has closed down without paying.

TriBux.net : Problem with referral link. The referral name does not change to follow the last link clicked.

MacoBux : Has been changed to an ads only site. All earnings are for ads only. Check their forum

Jan 7:

VisualBux : Lots of complaints in the forum about non-payment (Warning from Kolega)

BuxBytes : Problem with referral link. The referral name does not change to follow the last link clicked.

Quick-bux : is for sale. (Thanks coco for the info)

17Bux.com : Not recommended. Using default free script.

Click-bux.net : An old site that is relaunched. Previously, it closed down without paying. (Thanks Sabbie for the info)

Jan 6:

NewBux4u : Relaunching site on Wednesday. Standard members' earnings reset to 0. Upgraded members' earnings are saved.

Jan 5 :

ShortBux : Problems with referral links.

RoCa$hBux.info : Changed to ads only site. All payments can only be used for ads.

Morehunks.com You need to upgrade to be paid.

OasisClicks : has creditburner & 0-Ifranes that may contain viruses.

EarningSecret : suspected to have the same owner as honestbux and some others that did not pay. (Thanks Sabbie for the info)

AngelBux : Payout made but did not receive in AlertPay account (Thanks Hernan for the info)

Jan 4 :

CrewPTC : "Due to ADS problem We Upgrade our script, i lost SQL, So once again REGISTER . purchased members contact our forums or Admin@crewptc.com, ur credits never lost."

DualBux : is under construction.

Pay2Surf : has closed down.

The-bux : seems to be gone.

Bux-estonia : Not recommended. Using free script.

Rofl-bux : Payments are on hold due to lack of funds.

DailyClicks.biz : Beware. It seems to have come back after disappearing without paying sometime ago

Jan 3:

E-clickz : is down.

Hitzmagic : Not recommended. Using default script. 7 cents per click abd $75 payout. Same forum as waoindia (see update Nov 23) and no payment proofs.

Jan 2 :

PTCNation : is down or gone.

RoxyPTC : Problems with the referral link. The referrers' name is not updated.

GetPTCNow : Not recommended. Uses default script.

FiloBux : TOS - "You need at least 150 clicks by yourself to be paid."

Jan 1 :

Hi friends, Happy New Year !

ShortBux : Updated TOS "Standard Members can refer a maximum of 25 peoples as for Premium Members they may refer a maximum of 150 peoples."

MeansBux : If you are getting "invalid format" error. Go back to the page with links. Wait a while. Refresh the screen & try again. (I think that it does not allow the next ad to be clicked before the system has recorded the previous click)

PTCClickers.net : TOS - "We will only payout to members that are verified through our payment processors."

Crazy4Dollar : Using the YourOwnBux script which has problems with security.

20centsmail : 4bu asked me about 20centmails. I don't think that they will be able to pay 20 cents per click.

Broccoliclicks : All earnings must be converted to credits and used for advertising


. Thursday, January 1, 2009

Paid to CLick: $0,01
Reffeal CLick: $0,01
Payout $5
Payout With: Alertpay

Status: Scam Test